The Army Wife Chapters

Week 9: Big Things!

May has been a month of changes. Some exciting, some overwhelming, some just new.

Sunday- May 5th

A couple of weeks ago, I had reached my desperate point. While in church the song “I Surrender All” played and I just gave it all up. I gave up my worries about finding a “career job” that I had been looking so hard for. I gave up the constant mental battle of loneliness dealing with this deployment. I just gave up trying to make it all work. I reached the end of me. It was going to have to be God. Because Heaven knows I had done everything in “my” power to make it all work out — and it just wasn’t working. I decided to pray for big things. I prayed for God to do something big with my life.

That was Sunday.


Monday –

It was Hawk and my 8th month anniversary. My journal entry for the day: “I miss him all the time.”

Tuesday –

 I was surprised by flowers from him and was incredibly touched by his thoughtfulness. He definitely woos me, even when he’s an entire ocean away and occupies a completely different continent halfway around the world. Even when his mornings are my nights and his nights are my afternoons.

Wednesday –

I receive a call about going to an interview. At this point, I had already been on several interviews with no such luck. This particular call seemed to come out of the blue and was a pleasant surprise.

***Hawk Skypes me and asks me if I would be interested in possibly meeting up with him in London sometime this summer! Of course, you can guess what my answer was!!!! ; )

Thursday –

Dressed in a black lacy skirt and business blouse with a belt, I go to the interview. I meet the lady (who would be my boss) and then with HR. As I get ready to leave, the lady from HR tells me “I think you will be a fit here.”

Friday –

HR calls and officially offers me the job.

In the course of one week, I went from being down about not being able to find a job to practically being hired on the spot. I went from being depressed about the fact that Hawk and I still had at least eight more months to go before I’d be able to see his face in person, to planning a trip to see my man in just a couple of months – IN LONDON!

I prayed for God to do something BIG. And guess what? He did. He went way past my big.

photo 3
This makes my office feel more homey <3
photo 2
Is it bad that I’m already mentally packing??? ; )

Dare to pray for big things. God hears.

And He answers with even bigger things than you could possibly even imagine.

I have a passion for the written word and desire to help others cultivate the lost art of the spiritual discipline of journaling. The musings you find here come straight off my journal pages.