The Army Wife Chapters

Week 7: “Emily” Flowers

A couple of days ago, I had a bad day. One of those days where you wake up and feel the weight of the world and all you want to do is pull the covers over your head and go back to sleep. Because sleep was relief from racing thoughts. And I did for a while. And then I had to get up, because I would’ve laid in that bed all day long. And that wasn’t going to get me anywhere.

Yesterday, a day after Hawk and my 8th month anniversary, there was a package left on my doorstep. It was a purple flower box. And it made an okay day, a great day. It made me forget the bad day.

Hawk is so thoughtful.

Even over 5,500 miles away, he still finds ways to romance me. 

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And I discover what love is. Sharing in the bad days and making the next days better. It is thinking of one another. It is considering one another. It is sharing life together. The happy moments. The sad moments. The fearful moments. The ecstatic moments. The blah moments. It is being the very best friend that you can possibly be to each other. It is encouraging each other, supporting each other, praying for each other. It is thinking about each other. It is sending letters, and chocolate, and gorgeous “Emily” flowers (bright and bold). It is still finding ways to be together, to be connected at heart, even when we went from being streets apart, to states apart, to an ocean apart, to continents apart. And even though half the world separates us physically, little things like finding flowers on my porch remind me that our hearts are intwined. Not the flowers in and of themselves, but the fact that even though my man is extremely busy, he was thinking about me.

I know there will be more “hiding in my dreams” days, but I am also positive that there will be more “this is love” days.

And that makes it worth it.

I have a passion for the written word and desire to help others cultivate the lost art of the spiritual discipline of journaling. The musings you find here come straight off my journal pages.