The Army Wife Chapters

Week 29: The Birthday Box

I wanted to make Hawk’s birthday as special as it possibly could be with him being 5,550 miles away from his favorite places, his favorite things,  and his favorite people. After brainstorming a bit, the Birthday Box was born. Anyone who knows Hawk for even the slightest amount of time will learn that he lives and breaths the University of South Florida’s Bulls. It didn’t take much time to come up with the box decorations.

Go Bulls!
Go Bulls!

After the box was decorated came the stuffing part! I included a Bulls Flag at his request to hang outside his “house,” since his neighbor hung a Gator’s flag up…and Hawk just couldn’t have that 😛 I also included a desk album full of London pictures for him to flip through on the days he needs an escape. Adding a couple of movies, including Duck Dynasty paraphernalia  (shirt, plate, poster, Season DVD), all wrapped of course in Duck Dynasty wrapping paper, lots of candy and the box was almost complete.

Stuffed Birthday Box
Stuffed Birthday Box

Lastly, because it was his Birthday Box, I attempted to make him Red Velvet cakes sealed in mason jars. I’m still not quite sure how they turned out but I put a tub of icing and candles in the box too. If all else failed, I figured he could wear his birthday hat that I made him and blow out his birthday candles sticking out of the icing.

Birthday Box Celebration
Birthday Box Celebration

Hawk received the box the day before his birthday. The best part was that he waited to open it while Skyping me late that night. Through Skype I was able to see his smiling face and hear his laughter and excitement as he unwrapped the gifts. The clock hit midnight (his time) and I was able to be the first to wish him an official birthday. It was a fun and special moment. I still hate that we couldn’t celebrate it together, but in a sense we did. And that was a blessing indeed.

I have a passion for the written word and desire to help others cultivate the lost art of the spiritual discipline of journaling. The musings you find here come straight off my journal pages.


  • ldr13

    I’ll bet you made his day, that’s great you two were able to celebrate even though he’s far away. Love the flag idea :p I just celebrated a long distance birthday too, definitely requires a bit of creativity and planning but so worth it 🙂

    • hawkandher

      Thanks for the comment! It definitely means you have to be more creative, but that’s the fun aspect…that and seeing the excitement when you pull off the surprise 🙂