Why I Write: A Grace Story
A Dream Come True Once upon a time stories filled a little girl’s mind. She’d sneak away with pencil in hand and write of daring adventures: of a young family braving the Oregon Trail, of a princess narrowly missing an assassination attempt, of a sibling duo who were superstars by night and students by day (this was before Hannah Montana, mind you). The little girl would steal her mom’s floppy discs and story after story began to fill her binders. She never did finish a full story though. Just after she’d get started, new characters from another time would introduce themselves. The binder was in fact, a binder of story…
Why Journaling Matters
It was my sixth Christmas when I got my first journal. It was green and had a praying angel on the cover. Even though the pages would be penned in my very large learning-to-write characters and the greatest climax it ever saw was the frustration to be getting a second brother instead of a long-awaited sister; it would spark in me a passion. I wouldn’t become part of God’s family for another year and I wouldn’t fully follow him for years after that – but that angel covered book, and the countless ones I filled after, would be a tool. A tool God gave me to harness the words within.…
Letters From Mom – Part II
June 13 – Week 28 Dear Baby, I’m pretty sure you’ve grown while your daddy’s been away for training. I’ve missed him. I think you have too. I think you miss his voice and large warm hand. We are officially in the 3rd trimester! 28 week today. It’s hard to believe how fast it has gone. You’ll be here so very soon. You’re not just kicking me now, you’ve started to roll more – doing those aliens type moves. The sensations are so cool and weird at the same time. I’m enjoying this one on one time with you. I’m not ready to share you with the world yet. You’ve…
Soul Rustlings
I love following other people’s blogs. Many times the Holy Spirit speaks to me and moves me through the inspiring things I read. Lately, however, I’ve developed a holy jealousy. A jealousy for God to reveal Himself to me directly. To really give me my own voice. I read moving stories of how other women are experiencing God in such a raw and real way and I write down quotes that impact me, but I want more. I don’t want to just read about God or how others are growing and experiencing His Presence – I want that relationship with Him myself! I jealousy crave knowing Him that way firsthand. I…
The Journal of Two Love Stories
“Journal writing is a voyage to the interior” -Christina Baldwin “These handwritten words in the pages of my journal confirm that from an early age I have experienced each encounter in my life twice; once in the world, and once again on the pages” – Terry Tempest Williams “The nicest part is being able to write down all my thoughts and feelings; otherwise I might suffocate” -Anne Frank I’m coming down to the last few pages of my current journal. The journal that Hawk handmade me for my 22nd birthday. The journal he expressed his love to me in by sewing the pages together and gluing them into the spine…