• Spiritual Growth

    Why Journaling Matters

    It was my sixth Christmas when I got my first journal. It was green and had a praying angel on the cover. Even though the pages would be penned in my very large learning-to-write characters and the greatest climax it ever saw was the frustration to be getting a second brother instead of a long-awaited sister; it would spark in me a passion. I wouldn’t become part of God’s family for another year and I wouldn’t fully follow him for years after that – but that angel covered book, and the countless ones I filled after, would be a tool. A tool God gave me to harness the words within.…

  • Spiritual Growth

    Here’s My Heart 

    I’ve always loved the hymn “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing.” Maybe because I see all too often my own wandering heart despite my desire to have it bound to Christ. However, only recently have I really come to appreciate the deep theology tucked within the lyrics penned by Robert Robinson (1735-1790). Come, thou Fount of every blessing, tune my heart to sing thy grace; streams of mercy, never ceasing, call for songs of loudest praise. Teach me some melodious sonnet, sung by flaming tongues above. Praise the mount! I’m fixed upon it, mount of thy redeeming love. 2. Here I raise mine Ebenezer; hither by thy help I’m come;…

  • Spiritual Growth

    A Rendered Heart

    Every now and then a theme of a particular Truth appears, and reappears, and reappears again in different ways and in different avenues. In this particular case, the Truth was loving God wholeheartedly – the avenues, a Bible study, a book by a completely different author, and a sermon by the pastor of my church. Nothing is coincidence and nothing is left up to chance – so let’s just identify what, or rather who, the Avenue of Truth really is. The Avenue of Truth is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is our Holy Reminder that we desperately need God. And He aligns certain messages to speak to us in…

  • Spiritual Growth

    The Wanderer’s Returning

    It’s not that I meant to wander. It’s not that I purposefully determined in my heart to stray from My First Love. It was the sinking revelation that I had made the Lord familiar – commonplace. When had His name stopped being so very precious to me? When had things that used to move me, suddenly not move me any more? When had that passion for Him become an unrecognizable flicker? Over time. Slowly, without purposed intention and devotion and priority to fuel the once passionate heart of mine, my soul slowly withered and Jesus became a familiar aspect of my life. Commonplace and taken for granted, when He is…