• Spiritual Growth,  The Army Wife Chapters,  The Marriage Chapters

    An Ode to the Army

    When you first introduced yourself I didn’t know much about you. I apprehensively shook your hand. That clammy first handshake turned into a begrudging nod and after six years of eye contact we’ve become intimately acquainted. Since Hawk’s days of wearing camo and dog-tags have officially come to an end, I thought it would be appropriate to reflect on a few of our memories together. I’m deploying. I still remember the night our stories intersected – sitting in the passenger seat internally reeling from the words that just came out of my friend’s mouth, the man I was slowly getting to know and really like. It was the 4th of…

  • The Army Wife Chapters

    Week 10: Memorial Day

    Today is Memorial Day. Like many others my mind is full of the price our freedom actually costs. And unlike times in the past, I can only allow those thoughts to linger for so long. I can only handle so many heartbreaking photos and stories of those who have lost their loved ones. This year I’m scrolling by quickly. Because my man isn’t home yet. And while the area he is deployed isn’t exactly in the most dangerous “hotspot,” danger still exists, not to mention the fact that flying alone carries elements of danger itself. (You should see the manual Hawk has of potential things that could go wrong. It’s…

  • The Army Wife Chapters

    Week One

    According to the calendar it has been a week since “The Farewell.”  A week that has sometimes seemed to have passed quickly, and then other times seemed to have dragged into an eternity. It depends on the day, it depends on the moment, it depends on the mood. On good days, I have the proper perspective. I know that this is just a season (well more like 4 seasons) and that while at times it may seem like the hands on the clock are frozen in time, they aren’t, and this season isn’t going to last forever. It is temporary. On not so good days, or moments,  I can’t stand…

  • The Army Wife Chapters,  The Marriage Chapters

    Our Story – and Waiting

    I’ve had my experience with waiting. The dreaded word in this instant gratification culture. Waiting seems like a foreign thing when there seems to be an “app” for everything.  The wait is the long line before the anticipated “roller coaster ride.” Although sometimes the line, the wait, seems to be a roller coaster in and of itself. Even though it may not seem like it at the time. I’ve really come to dread the word. It’s not a fun word. It usually means moments of loneliness and discontentment at times. It means not getting what you deeply desire when you feel like you need it, or more selfishly think you…

  • Spiritual Growth,  The Army Wife Chapters,  The Marriage Chapters

    Plan to be Surprised

    Let me tell you a little secret. I never ever ever wanted to be interested in someone in the military. I never wanted to be involved with a soldier, especially one who is going to deploy. And yet I am. This is new. It’s a completely different culture that I’m not used to and I know very little about. So as a way to process these new experiences and the idea of my Hawk and my impending separation, I decided that I need to write about it. What can I say? I majored in English. Writing is a therapeutic for me. And just the idea of this deployment is enough…