• The Army Wife Chapters

    Week 30: London Recap Day 3

    Seven months. It’s been seven months since Hawk left. And I can’t help but reflect on London and our time together there. Those 4 1/2 days were really what we needed to help see us through to the end. The days pass oh so slowly, but the months seem to pass by quicker. Soon, soon he will be home again. I can’t wait for that day! Day 3 – August 30, 2013 We woke up early the next morning for another full adventurous day. Since we did the second day of the Double Decker bus tour we were able to hear the marching band as they went to march down…

  • The Army Wife Chapters

    Week 29: London Recap Day 2

    After our long awaited airport reunion, we experienced our first venture on the Tube, and located the flat in Islington, London we were sharing with another soldier family. We talked and I kept reaching over to touch his arm because I finally could. No longer were we looking through the computer screen longingly – I could finally touch his arm or grab his hand. It was something I took for granted before the deployment, but never again. We also exchanged early anniversary presents. I got him a fancy Fossil watch and he bought me a new camera to chronicle this great adventure we were on together. After talking most of…

  • The Army Wife Chapters

    Week 26: London Recap Day 1

    Hawk has officially been gone for six months. I almost shake my head with amazement because I can’t believe I still functioned after Day One, and here, six months later we are thriving. It’s still hard every day. Some days it is still really, really hard, but here we are doing something that would tear many others apart. Here I am doing something I never ever thought I was capable of doing…and it’s only by the grace of God. It’s been six months since Farewell, and three weeks since London. I haven’t written about the incredible reunion yet because maybe I just liked keeping it between us, but also because…

  • The Army Wife Chapters

    Week 22: Packing & Proof

    In one short week I will finally be on my way to London to be reunited with my best friend! It is so surreal. Hawk and I have been counting down for this trip, this precious time together, for so long. Now that it is actually a reality and almost here it seems too good to be true. It seems just a dream. But the days pass, and I have not only my bag almost all packed but his as well. Last weekend we had a sweet Skype date where we raided his closet and he told me what clothes he wanted me to bring him (since he doesn’t have…

  • The Army Wife Chapters

    Week 19: The Difference a Year Can Make

    I’m a big journaler. This isn’t a surprise to anyone who knows me. Hawk actually handmade me a journal for my birthday last year because he knew it was something I would use and cherish – and I do.  So, it isn’t an unusual occurrence for me to randomly read some of my past journal entries. However, what is new is when I decided I wanted to read some to Hawk to reminisce about the day he asked me out. It’s comical now to reread all my thoughts and analytical wonderings and the insecurities that seemed to plague me during our “getting to know you as more than friends” on…

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  • The Army Wife Chapters

    Week 16: On the Phrase “Overbeforeyouknowit”

    The first time I heard that phrase was right when Hawk left for Annual Training…the day after he asked me out. At the time, I was like “Oh, yeah, these days will fly by!” Foolish, girl. It seemed like the longest two weeks ever. Because even back then, I knew he was going to deploy. And those two weeks symbolized the deployment for me. Many times I battled thoughts like “This is only the beginning!” “If I’m going crazy in two weeks, how on earth am I going to handle FIFTY-two weeks!” Thus, began my hatred for the phrase #overbeforeyouknowit. And yet, yesterday I pulled up my email and saw…

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  • The Army Wife Chapters

    Week 11: London’s Calling!

    When I said Farewell to Hawk almost two and a half months ago, I seriously thought that it would be an entire year before I would get to see him again. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think this was possible. And it is undeniably such a God thing. But plane tickets are booked! The confirmations have been emailed! It’s official! LONDON’S CALLING!

  • The Army Wife Chapters

    Week 9: Big Things!

    May has been a month of changes. Some exciting, some overwhelming, some just new. Sunday- May 5th A couple of weeks ago, I had reached my desperate point. While in church the song “I Surrender All” played and I just gave it all up. I gave up my worries about finding a “career job” that I had been looking so hard for. I gave up the constant mental battle of loneliness dealing with this deployment. I just gave up trying to make it all work. I reached the end of me. It was going to have to be God. Because Heaven knows I had done everything in “my” power to…