Modern Witnesses: An Interview
Recently, I had the opportunity to be featured in an interview for Modern Witnesses, a blog dedicated to spreading the stories of God’s faithfulness and inspiring women to live extraordinary lives. As twenty-first century believers, we too are called to witness – to share who God is and what he has done.
A Snippet From Modern Witnesses:
Inspiring biblical passage of the moment: I’ve been dissecting Psalm 86:11-13. “Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness, give me an undivided heart that I may fear your name. I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart…for great is your love toward me.”
The ESV and KJV use the word unite. Give me a united heart. Love the Hebrew word for heart, lebab. It is our soul seat. The root word is ravish. The psalmist laments his sin and professes for God to ravish his heart. This is what my soul seat yearns for – for God to ravish my heart, quicken my soul, and fix all my affections on Him alone. He isn’t just what satisfies, He is Who delights.
“He isn’t just what satisfies, He is Who delights.”
Spiritual growth focus at the moment: Being consistently in the word. What a gift the Bible is. Seriously, think about it. God doesn’t owe us anything. He doesn’t owe us answers or explanations. He doesn’t even owe us a conversation. And yet, He speaks to us in a staggering 31,102 verses. Holding a Bible in our hands is one of the greatest mercies and miracles given to man. Some days, I get to enjoy a 2 hour study while my son naps, other days, it’s my lunch break in the car. Regardless of the amount of time, I’m trying to grow in discipline. Plus, Jesus is such the delight of my heart. I usually can’t wait to spend time with him.
“God doesn’t owe us anything. He doesn’t owe us answers or explanations. He doesn’t even owe us a conversation. And yet, He speaks to us in a staggering 31,102 verses. Holding a Bible in our hands is one of the greatest mercies and miracles given to man.”
Profession: I’m a part-time marketer and part-time stay-at-home mom.
Just read/currently reading (and what has it taught you?): One of my favorite books is Mercy Like Morning by Jane Johnson. It has revolutionized how I study the Bible.
Top three essentials: My journal. My Bible. A hot bubble bath.

Emily Davis
I have a passion for the written word and desire to help others cultivate the lost art of the spiritual discipline of journaling. The musings you find here come straight off my journal pages.

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