The Army Wife Chapters

Week 22: Packing & Proof

In one short week I will finally be on my way to London to be reunited with my best friend! It is so surreal. Hawk and I have been counting down for this trip, this precious time together, for so long. Now that it is actually a reality and almost here it seems too good to be true. It seems just a dream.

But the days pass, and I have not only my bag almost all packed but his as well. Last weekend we had a sweet Skype date where we raided his closet and he told me what clothes he wanted me to bring him (since he doesn’t have civilian clothes with him). It was funny and fun and exciting to think that we’d actually see each other face to face instead of through a screen in the not so distant future.

Packing together via Skype
Packing together via Skype

I have his suit ready to go and my cocktail dress and funky shoes in the suitcase for our anniversary dinner. One thing that makes this trip so extra special is that it falls almost exactly on Hawk and my first year anniversary. It is also the marker for almost halfway through this deployment.

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever expect to be going to London. Yet never in my wildest, wildest dreams did I ever think I would get to see Hawk in London. And never in my wildest, wildest, wildest dreams did I think I would get to visit Hawk in London for our anniversary and during his deployment. It all just goes to prove over and over and over that God loves to go beyond our wildest dreams and imagination.

Here I am doing something I swore I would never do and yet I can’t imagine not doing it. I can’t imagine not having the extreme closeness and deepness in my relationship with Hawk that this deployment has cultivated in us. God is definitely working in us and it is something I don’t take for granted, even on the hard nights. Five months ago when Hawk walked away from me and towards the Blackhawk I thought my heart would never recover, and here I am living, breathing, and writing a post titled Week 22. Even though we are only half way through, God has held us together, grown us closer than I ever imagined and I say it is nothing but a miracle. He brings grace and blessings just when I need them. He surprises us beyond our wildest dreams with a trip to help preserve our sanities. If I have learned anything during this season of life, this season of love, this season of wait, it is that God shows us with Him all things are possible. When we say “I can’t” He says “I can.” He takes our wildest dreams and multiplies them. God wants to go beyond our wildest, wildest, wildest imaginations! He is faithful time and time again.

My life is proof. Our love story is proof. This deployment is proof. And this trip is proof. He astonishes me with His goodness. My God is so good, He really, really is.

I have a passion for the written word and desire to help others cultivate the lost art of the spiritual discipline of journaling. The musings you find here come straight off my journal pages.

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